1. Treason against the Republic shall consist of:
    1. Levying war against the Republic; 
    2. Aligning oneself with the aiding and abetting another nation or people with whom Liberia is at war or in a state of war; 
    3. Acts of espionage for any enemy state; 
    4. Attempting by overt act to overthrow the Government rebellion against the Republic, insurrection and mutiny; and 
    5. Abrogating or attempting to abrogate, subverting or attempting or conspiring to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other means which attempts to undermine this Constitution.

The Legislature shall have the power to declare the punishment for treason; provided, however, that such punishment shall not include a deprivation or forfeiture of the right of inheritance by the convicted person of any property although he may not be entitled to enjoyment thereof for as long as he continues to serve the term of imprisonment imposed after conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction. The right to enjoyment of any property inherited or otherwise conveyed to or acquired by such convicted person shall be automatically restored upon serving the term of imprisonment of other punishment, or an executive pardon by the President. No punishment shall preclude the inheritance and enjoyment, or cause the forfeiture by others entitled thereto, of any property which the convicted person at the time of any property which the convicted person at the time of conviction or subsequent thereto may have possessed or been seized.

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